I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, mentored by Steven Dow and Niki Kittur. Previously, I received my PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, advised by Christian Schunn.
The big vision of my research is to help create a better future where new and more effective computing systems—solidly rooted in rich, robust theories of human creativity—enable more people to achieve their creative potential.
To realize this vision, my research asks fundamental questions about how creativity works, and applies the answers to guide the design of technological support for creative work in real-world settings (e.g., engineering design, social innovation, scientific discovery). My work not only creates better tools, but also better theories, as I refine theories developed in the lab with the complexities of how creativity unfolds in the wild. To learn more, read more about my specific research projects, or check out some of my papers.
I'm always looking for interesting people to talk to or work with: if you have ideas, brickbats, feedback, or project ideas, please drop me a line!
Spring 2016
- My grad school "fun" project on how physical contexts influence problem solving finally got published!
- Will be attending CSCW Workshop on CSCW and the Sharing Economy: The Future of Platforms as Sites of Work, Collaboration, and Trust
- New paper on how conflict helped expose and manage uncertainty in the 2004 Mars Exploration Rover project
Fall 2015
- Two demos accepted to CSCW 2016!
- New paper on sensemaking for large-scale ideation accepted to CHI 2016!
Summer 2015