Practice: Module 2 Project (Lists, Iteration, Strings)#

Reformat and count names#

Process the list to convert to lastname, firstname format. Count the number of names that have lastname “Wright”. Be careful! There are some inconsistencies in upper/lowercase!

e.g., the first three elements of the output list should look like

["Thompson, Amelia", "Martinez, Oscar", "Green, Sophie"]

And you should print out a message that is formatted like this: "There are M names with lastname Wright"

Here is the correct output:

['Thompson, Amelia', 'Martinez, Oscar', 'Wright, Sophie', 'Harrison, Miles', 'Wright, Isabella', 'Patel, Lucas', 'Murphy, Chloe', 'Rodriguez, Leo', 'Lee, Ella', 'Kim, David', 'Chen, Emily', 'Davis, Oliver', 'Robinson, Lily', 'Adams, Caleb', 'wright, Ava', 'Garcia, Nathan', 'Hernandez, Grace', 'Brown, Ethan', 'Taylor, Avery', 'WrighT, Jacob']

There are 4 names with lastname Wright

# make sure you run this cell before you attempt your program
names = [
    'Amelia Thompson',
    'Oscar Martinez',
    'Sophie Wright',
    'Miles Harrison',
    'Isabella Wright',
    'Lucas Patel',
    'Chloe Murphy',
    'Leo Rodriguez',
    'Ella Lee',
    'David Kim',
    'Emily Chen',
    'Oliver Davis',
    'Lily Robinson',
    'Caleb Adams',
    'Ava wright',
    'Nathan Garcia',
    'Grace Hernandez',
    'Ethan Brown',
    'Avery Taylor',
    'Jacob WrighT'
# your code here

Clean dataset#

Clean this dataset. The values should all be between 0 and 100. Anything above 100 is an outlier. Anything coded -999 is a missing value. Compute the average value of the cleaned dataset (i.e., w/ outliers and missing removed), and report how many outliers and missing values there are. Your output message shoudl only show 3 decimal points.

Here is the correct output:

[67, 96, 95, 78, 36, 94, 67, 85, 96, 60, 73, 45, 6, 17, 24, 82, 82, 100, 44, 81, 12, 60]

After removing 4 missing values and 4 outliers, average value is 63.636

# make sure you run this cell before you attempt your program
data = ['67', '96', '95', '78', '36', '94', '67', '85', '96', '60', '73', '45', '6', '17', '24', '82', '125', '150', '136', '106', '82', '100', '44', '81', '12', '-999', '-999', '-999', '-999', '60']
# your program here

Process submissions (with late penalties and exceptions)#

Here is a list of submissions that I want you to process.

The submissions have three parts to them (separated by commas):

  1. The score (0 to 100)

  2. A value that indicates whether the submission was late (0 or 1)

  3. A value that indicates whether the submission had a late exception

Produce a final list of scores that applies a late penalty (reduce score by 20%) unless the submission has a late exception.

Also, report:

  1. The average score of the final list (M)

  2. The number of non-exempted late submissions (N)

In the following format: "The average score (after penalizing N late submissions) is M"

Make sure M is formatted with only 2 decimal points.

Here is the correct output:

[62, 80, 5, 12.0, 64.0, 97, 61, 20, 56, 74, 73, 89, 57, 27.200000000000003, 63, 2, 27, 60, 33, 65.60000000000001]

The average score (after penalizing 4 late submissions) is 51.39

# make sure you run this cell before you attempt your program
submissions = ['62,0,0', '80,0,0', '5,0,0', '15,1,0', '80,1,0', '97,0,0', '61,0,0', '20,1,1', '56,0,0', '74,0,0', '73,0,0', '89,0,0', '57,0,0', '34,1,0', '63,0,0', '2,0,0', '27,0,0', '60,0,0', '33,1,1', '82,1,0']
# your program here